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What’s the Best Treatment for Wrinkles?

As the body undergoes the natural course of aging, it starts producing less collagen and our skin begins to lose the elasticity that once kept it looking youthful and fresh. Consequently, wrinkles can form on the forehead, around the mouth, under the eyes, and in several other noticeable areas. Virtually everyone develops wrinkles at some point, but they can be a frustrating issue when they cast a tired or gloomy shadow over the face. Thankfully, a number of cosmetic procedures exist to reduce the appearance of wrinkles at various levels of severity. 

For severe aging where both the skin and the underlying musculature is involved, the surgical gold standard is a facelift. Designed to remove or greatly reduce moderate to severe wrinkles and lines, this procedure can involve the tightening and sometimes removal of skin on the face, neck, or surrounding areas. Patients may also include liposuction in their treatment to remove stubborn fat present around the chin and neck. A facelift is a major surgery, and typically yields results that last up to 15 years with the proper care.

Alternative surgical remedies for wrinkles include a midface lift and brow lift surgery. Both are utilized to treat specific areas of wrinkle buildup, the former to target the lower eyelids and downward, and the latter the forehead and upper area of the face. Like a facelift, these procedures are major surgeries, which means they generally require a couple of weeks of recovery, but also tend to deliver long-lasting results.

For less severe aging where skin laxity appears to be the major cause, non-surgical treatments or injectables can be wonderful options. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers – such as JUVÉDERM®, Radiesse®, and Restylane® – can be used to restore volume in the face and fill deep lines and wrinkles for a smoother complexion. Additionally, popular aesthetic treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and XEOMIN® can reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles that develop as a result of repetitive facial movements, by temporarily relaxing targeted facial muscles. These injectables can both reduce the damage already left by wrinkles and temporarily prevent new wrinkles from developing. 

Similarly, laser skin resurfacing can smooth wrinkles by applying its potent laser energy to spots that have lost collagen and volume. The laser system heats up the tissue underneath the skin and stimulates collagen production, which can result in a more even skin tone and texture.

Both injectables and laser skin resurfacing typically involve a less invasive procedure than the surgical solutions mentioned above; however, it is important to note that they are often best suited for mild to moderate wrinkles, whereas more severe signs of aging generally call for a facelift or other surgical treatment. 

Dr. Albert Cytryn is happy to discuss these options at your consultation. Feel free to contact us today for a first-time appointment.